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Two form scripts for one website. Plus a automatic reply script for another.

General information for the website: Contact form Description of requirements/features: I have a contact form that appears as a data modal box on the page using bootstrap. The current script that i have does not send the input post data in the email. So there is a bug that needs fixing there. I would also like the form to use the toote script where it shows a green bar and success once the form has been sent. The form is coded and the form process script is there. It just needs some work and i'm not a developer. I also have another form and script which is not working. the form has 3 fields and the script asks you to fill out all fields in the form even though they have been filled out. So a bug there too. I also have another form that stores some data across three pages in a session and then sends an email. I would like to pull the users email out of the session array and send them an automatic response once they submit the form. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7214

2524 дней 9ч 48м



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