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I need a professional Ruby on Rails Developer

General information for the website: Need a dedicated developer for long term Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 4 Description of every page/module: I need a inventory system for multiple store Description of requirements/features: I need a inventory system for multiple store Start New Inventory Search for or scan inventory (Bluetooth Scanner) Show basic details: Name Case / Unit / Weight Price Etc…. Location for Item If item is not found - (Note: look at new item screen) Allow user to search by name Once added, Flag it for merge - review and add to master inventory (MAYBE) Upon Completion Show Location and Quantity List of Items & Value for each Full Value Basic Item information Export the Inventory Report to Excel Summary Report PDF Report (MAYBE) Multiple Devices can scan at once Real-time view of current scanning in progress (LOOK AT AN EASY / QUICK WAY OF DOING THIS) Multiple Users that will be allowed to login to do the scan Sort & Edit in the future CMS and Admin requirements: Start New Inventory Search for or scan inventory (Bluetooth Scanner) Show basic details: Name Case / Unit / Weight Price Etc…. Location for Item If item is not found - (Note: look at new item screen) Allow user to search by name Once added, Flag it for merge - review and add to master inventory (MAYBE) Upon Completion Show Location and Quantity List of Items & Value for each Full Value Basic Item information Export the Inventory Report to Excel Summary Report PDF Report (MAYBE) Multiple Devices can scan at once Real-time view of current scanning in progress (LOOK AT AN EASY / QUICK WAY OF DOING THIS) Multiple Users that will be allowed to login to do the scan Sort & Edit in the future Specific technologies required: RUBY ON RAILS Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7121

2531 дней 10ч 34м



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00:00 - 08:00

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