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Website To build

General information for the website: Villa Rentals Website (non bookable) Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: unlimited Description of every page/module: We are a villa agency and in need of a website being built - from scratch. We have over 80,000 properties worldwide however this website will initially showcase 5,000. It is non-bookable and will therefore generate enquiries only however there will still be calendars for consumers to view. In-depth search facility and filter system required. We require only experienced developers - we have been quoted by numerous designers and understand this will take around 3 weeks to build and create the shell and general design. We will ourselves upload 5,000 properties. If you have experience in support and hosting, we would be interested in discussing working on a monthly retainer basis to build, host & support the site. Description of requirements/features: Qualified Web Designer Previous experience of building a similar site would be advantageous CMS and Admin requirements: CMS and full administrative options must be available Extra services needed: Hosting, Installation, Customization, Optimization, Security Similar urls: Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6977

2524 дней 11ч 48м



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00:00 - 08:00

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