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I need a functional website made

General information for the website: Online portal allowing customers to search investments and see a profile with their portfolio online Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of every page/module: The website will be an online portal where potential investors can browse investments, review marketing material, watch videos, download documents, fill applications in and upload them back to their account. Every customer must have their own personal account where they can see what investments they have bought or applied for, what documents they need to upload. No payments are made through the site but the site. I have attached an example below as well as an example video. Dear Mr. Mrs. Further to our conversation earlier, I have sent you this Email outlining the details of the fixed term bond that Win River development Ltd are offering. In this Email you will see that we have outlined a few key points from the Win River Key Features Document also attached to this email. You will also find the letter from Willis Towers Watson plc insurance brokers confirming the insurance policy on the Bond. Key Points 8% Per Annum Fixed Interest Bi-Annual Interest Payment 2 Year Fixed Term Full Initial Investment Insured (up to £4,000,000) by Willis Towers Watson plc Initial investment is paid on completion of maturity (2 years) Minimum investment is £10,000 Win River KF Document PDF Insurance Document PDF Should you wish to proceed further then please contact your introducing agent with Delta Market and they will guide you through the necessary steps including arranging a call with the managing director of Win River as part of compliance and to also answer any further questions you may have. Finally, we need to make you aware that any investment offer from Win River Development Ltd is only available to certified investors of either a high net worth or sophisticated background. Your introducing agent with Delta Market will guide you through a self certification form along with terms and conditions. Any individual who is in any doubt about the investment to which the communication relates should consult an authorised person specialising in advising on investments of the kind in question. We look forward to speaking with you soon, Description of requirements/features: Watch videos, browse investments, download documents, ask questions. Every client has their own account/profile: profiles include a breakdown of their portfolio, uploaded documents and documents they need to upload. CMS and Admin requirements: login for external sales agents that can monitor sales they have put through the site, monitor the process of their sales, see a calculated report of their commissions and when they are expecting payment etc. Also back office login for the admin at the website, monitor all the clients etc. Similar urls: Extra notes:

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