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A Professional web developer that can help improve the user interface.

General information for the website: We are a restaurant website, existing webpage Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of every page/module: The homepage would be a long single page with a animated navigator to guide through most navigation menus. A few of the navigation menu will have a separate page jump out. We are open to any adjustment that contribute to a general improvement on the user interface. Description of requirements/features: 1. Rebuild the site on the Wordpress platform. 2. Ensure that Chinese Laundry team can change the copy and content on their pop-up box, and home page easily if they need to via Wordpress. 3. Generally, keep the same style – key design elements and content to remain consistent. 4. Integrate Res Diary widget (existing Booking system widget) into the website rather than the need to click out to book. 5. Integrate Mailchimp Sign up form for newsletter data. 6. Pull in latest social media posts into homepage (Instagram gallery across the page). 7. Reorder the navigation menu (About-Menu-Location-Gallery-Contact-Join Us) 8. Google Analytics set up 9. Improve website user interface and interaction overall. Similar urls: Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6593

2531 дней 10ч 45м



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00:00 - 08:00

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