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I need a wordpress front end developer - experience of .css etc.

General information for the website: I need some polishing to my website in preparation for launch Kind of development: Customization of existing website Num. of web pages/modules: 4-6 Description of requirements/features: Wordpress – front end • Build single page in wordpress, designing the layout to accomodate about clickable/selection icons (about 30) with mouseover states. Icons may need resizing according to layout design (source files available) • Polish existing wordpress pages, no more than 4 pages of minor .css revisions to layout (heading styles/position of graphics etc.) which shouldn’t take more than couple hours max • Get contact us form working/sending to email account: Extra services needed: Customization Extra notes: Notes: all page artwork will be supplied (.png/psd etc. as required) and on other pages the template design is ready and installed and other pages already created, WP site is using some cherry code. You should be available to work on this immediately upon acceptance Further work may be on offer for suitable candidate who delivers a good quality of code/work and advice. That work is potentially back end workdpress development as well as post launch maintenance/support agreement. I would prefer a european based developer for future back end work.. But will consider offshore if I am satsisfied with the level of experience/communication.

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Вакансия: #6463

2524 дней 14ч 19м



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