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General information for the website: FILE STORAGE AND FILE BACKUP SERVICES Kind of development: Customization of existing website Num. of web pages/modules: 2 PAGES Description of every page/module: Web is The work is to install and/or configure any professional theme that will provide visitors with a whole new concept for file storage and file hosting. prefer colour is any or combination of the following: blue, sky blue, white and gray Designer must be creative and ready to design just the home page to have a landing effect. Website must be fully responsive. Designer will only create a maximum of tow pages: the home page and the contact page Description of requirements/features: Web is The work is to install and/or configure any professional theme that will provide visitors with a whole new concept for file storage and file hosting. prefer colour is any or combination of the following: blue, sky blue, white and gray Designer must be creative and ready to design just the home page to have a landing effect. Website must be fully responsive. Designer will only create a maximum of tow pages: the home page and the contact page Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6462

2531 дней 10ч 49м



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00:00 - 08:00

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