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Photoshop Picture

Good Afternoon, I wanted you to work on this picture but I wanted to be isolated from my sister in the red evening gown and my friend Nancy in the black and white evening gown. I wanted to be completely isolated. You can change the location and the scenery also for example put the picture in a formal indoor setting for example something like the San Francisco City Hall, a formal hotel like Hilton Hotel, Wedding Estates, or the The Resort at Pelican Hill. If you have suggestions for the picture on the venue please let me know. Any building that is a place for formal events. If you have any suggestions I will be happy to hear them. You can remove my clear bra strap. I would like them to show my whole body in the picture from my head all the way to the floor, since it will be a Wedding Anniversary gift to my parents. I would like them to remove everything in the background the people that are socializing. I want to be the only one in the picture. Sergey if you have any suggestions with all my respect to you you're the professional please share them with me I would kindly appreciate it. I would be happy with a digital version. Thank You Kindly, Violet Farhadian

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Вакансия: #6440

2532 дней 0ч 39м



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