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Graphic design / Illustration for unashamedly loud, fun and lively shirt designs.

Information for the business: Shirt designs - Startup Industry: Art and Design Details about the apparel: Decent quality / well cut shirts Content to include on the apparel: Logo Ideas for the visual style: African inspired graphic print. Extra notes: Hi there, we're looking for a graphic designer / illustrator to design 4 x different print / designs for our startup clothing line asap. We have fabrics which we found on our travels to Africa, which we cannot use, but would like to take inspiration from. The brand is unashamedly loud, daring, lively and fun, and we'd like to design the shirts in the exact same way, the madder the better. We're looking for a graphic print with an African theme. The designs have to be suitable for printing, so knowledge of pattern repeats etc is vital. It's also worth pointing out from the outset that we will need to have total ownership of the copyright of the designs, so if you'd like to get involved at this early / exciting stage and don't mind this, then it would be great to hear from you, thank you!

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Вакансия: #6131

2531 дней 10ч 41м



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00:00 - 08:00

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