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Digital artist picture of a crab to be developed into a logo

Information for the business: We sell crab Industry: Food and Beverage Design details: Attached "The Crab Man" image is what i don't want. Read on for what i do want: Attached image of Rileys Fish Shack is the Font i want and the type of artistic free hand design i want of a crab. So the crab is to be the same style as the fish in Rileys Fish Shack. Free hand and artistic. You will no doubt need to have illustrator or digital artist skills for this request. The end objective is to create a Logo with the free hand image of the crab with the Text " The Crab Man" with the strap line "finest north sea crab". The text element of the logo MUST have the same font as the Rileys Fish Shack. I don't know what the font is. Target audience: Consumers of crab Ideas for the visual style: see design details section Things to avoid: As per the design detail section. Preferred colors: Navy, white, orange Urls to draw inspiration from: Where the design will be used: Merchandise and online Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5447

2524 дней 13ч 51м



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