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Floor Plans, Elevations and Design for Historic Home Rehab

Design details: We just purchased a condemned house and pretty much starting from scratch. House Details 2010 heated sqft 2 story home Built in 1904 What's needed Elevation plans that show historic double porches with red brick skirt Open concept floor plans that include plumbing, electrical and window schedules Design ideas around "vintage rustic industrial" Things to know: The previous owners completed demo and creating a new floor plan with all new plumbing. We would like to keep the existing floor plan upstairs with the exception of the master bath and closet and creating an open floor plan down stairs. The roof is metal. We will need PDF and CAD files when obtaining approval from the historic committee. Messages to communicate through the design: Please reach out to us for additional information. Ideas for the visual style: Historic rustic industrial? Extra notes: Here is a link to additional videos and photos

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Вакансия: #5309

2531 дней 10ч 39м



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00:00 - 08:00

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