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Wedding Invitation Artwork - Sketch

Design details: Not a business requirement! We require a talented artist to produce a sketch for our wedding invitation. Rather than the usual formal/clinical invitations that are the norm, we saw a great idea of a personal sketch, of which I have attached to this Job. The image shows the same themes we require - field/countryside, white marquee, groom and bride hand-in-hand, house, trees, animals. Field - self-explanatory - green, daisies, etc. Marquee - self-explanatory - white, grand looking Groom and bride - only need to change hair colour for myself and my fiance, plus height/weight proportions House - will send a pic of our house Trees - 6 tall fur trees Animals - our pets - Black scotty dog, ginger lurcher dog, black cat, black and white horse. As long as these elements are in, that's all that matters. A5 dimensions. No text as this will form the background to the invitation. Deadline August 2017, sooner the better. Let me know if you need any more information. Ideas for the visual style: Sketch/hand drawn. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5294

2524 дней 11ч 53м



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