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New Business Outreach via Phone Calls

We are a new architectural design company, Aura Homes, based in Clapham. We have a list of builders within the area, which we would like to contact by phone. The primary objective of doing this outreach is to secure additional architectural design work for Aura Homes, by asking these builders have current clients that need design services. At Aura Homes (, we offer services such as: - 3D design - Planning drawings - Building Regulation drawing - Tender documents and contracts - Project management services The secondary objective is to build relationships / awareness of Aura Homes with these builders in the local area, so they will think of us in the future. We'd also be able to supply the builder with work too, if our clients needed building works done. I have attached 2 documents: - Excel spreadsheet with builders company name / website / tel number. Please insert all notes from the phone calls onto this excel spreadsheet in the relevant columns. - Word document of the phone script We would like to run this on a trial basis at the moment, please can you confirm costs and availability for 15-20 phone calls? Thanks Laura

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Вакансия: #5194

2524 дней 14ч 26м



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00:00 - 08:00

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