Shipito informed that I did had an account and I did use the same credit card. But when I check my account and contacted my bank there is no charge from shipito since my account existence ( 2017) . Which I did provide proof to shipito that the only charges from my account history is made when I opened this account there wasn't no other charged on my account from shipito. So there is a bit of discrepancy that. I did ask the company that im more then willing to provide more assistance / verification if needed. But they keep telling me that I did had another account, id did use the same credit card for the another card. While I did verified with my bank and they inform there is no other charges beside the ones. So dont understand why im being held repsonsible while I dont have nothing do with it.
Вакансия: #15564
1771 дней 5ч 29м
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