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Looking for Accounting & Financial

Over the last 5 years, I could say that I have a wide work experienced in accounting and bookkeeping. I had experienced handling a complete sets of accounts, I do all the data entry in the computerized accounting system like recording all sales and disbursement. And also, I do monitoring Accounts Receivable like issuing demand letters to vendors who are past due. And lastly, I also perform monthly bank reconciliation, company payroll & also inter- branch reconciliation. I have knowledge on some accounting software such as Microbanker System Run Time Edition, General Accounting System, Quickbooks, WaveAccounting, Quicken and Microsoft Office. Aside from bookkeeping, I've been doing also Off-Page Optimization and Link Building. I have also with me, some tools in link building like Senuke, Bookmarking Demon & Article Demon. I know how to manage source documents & letters in PDF files. Cropping images, unstacking & combining using Paperport. Finally, my objective is to impart and apply the knowledge I have learned and utilized it to the fullest while aiming to achieve self and career development

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Вакансия: #15057

1916 дней 13ч 24м



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