We require someone to bring our translations up to date. This needs to be done to a high standard. The translation is for our website builder application. The software has a drag and drop interface and is marketed towards small to medium businesses looking to create websites for themselves. This means we require a translator with a working knowledge of IT and Internet terminology to ensure the translations are suitable and accurate for our target audience. We require: -Translation from English into: Swedish -Word count: 1800 -Translation location: Hosted on “PhraseApp”. (To give you access, we will require a valid email address.) -Completion date: As soon as possible. Please provide an estimate. If you are interested in taking this jon on, please can you submit your proposal as soon as possible and please don’t hesitate to ask for more information should you have any questions or doubts. Thank you for your interest. Best regards, Darryn BaseKit Platform Ltd.
Вакансия: #11240
2577 дней 17ч 39м
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