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Excel spreadsheet to use as time management / project management tool.

I need a spreadsheet that tracks hours spent on individual projects (we are consultant surveyors / loss adjusters) and each, individual job sheet populates a master sheet. The individual job sheet that we use is attached. I need to be able to see all 'active' cases. Once completed they need to move from the 'active' sheet to the 'completed' sheet and then to the 'invoiced' sheet and then the 'paid' sheet. I need to be able to see all of an individual surveyor's active cases and see the total hours billed at any given time. If possible I need an alert that prompts (email maybe) a surveyor if a case has been 'inactive' for 7 days or more. (I want to ensure that clients are updated). I'd like it to be accessible remotely from home PC's or maybe even phones through the website or similar. Would welcome suggestions. Thanks

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Вакансия: #10445

2531 дней 9ч 56м



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