Hi, I'm looking for an email signature to go with my start up business ( App Sales ). Currently we are set up to go through GoDaddy for emails using Outlook 365 as the email client. We'd ideally like be able to send emails using normal PC method but also have this same template so we can send emails via smartphones / tablets etc. Our criteria for emails signature - Send / receive emails from PC / Smartphone / Tablet. Automated Replies including our brand / logo / website / links to App Store and Play Store / Links to social media / a description regarding email / file confidentiality / possibly a promotional banner. I'd like it to be simple , cool and not too over crowded. Looking for this work to be done as soon as possible. Also how would this then be implemented for use with GoDaddy and if we decided to move to another email client would this affect the email signature? I have all files and requirements you would need to start this look forward to your reply zaheed.
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