
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

Need a statistician to develop a sampling plan, and then perform analysis of results

General information for the business: Education assessments Industry: Education Description of analysis: Seeking an experienced statistician to: 1. Help develop a simple sampling plan to standardise a UK education assessment - how much data we will need to collect and by which variables to ensure we have a robust population sample. 2. Once the data is collected, we'd need the statistician to perform the required analysis to be able to present a 'norms' data. Note, part 1 would be required as soon as possible; part 2 towards the end of the year once data is collected. Full Details We are an education publisher, based in the UK. We publish several standardised assessments that are administered to children between 3.5-8 years of age, designed to assess their grammar and descriptive skills. The most popular of these assessments, The Renfrew Action Picture Test, has been widely used by Speech and Language Therapists in schools since the 1970s. It entails children being shown ten simple images (for example, a girl hugging a teddy; a man getting a cat down from the roof etc.) and they then describe what they see. The Speech and Language Therapist / Pathologist who administers the test then scores each question based on tenses, information provided etc. This provides an overall score. The RAPT comes with an instruction booklet that includes a table of Norms (age, mean, middle half of range, and standard deviation) for both Information and Grammar scores. An SLT benchmarks the child's performance against these, to see if remedial action is required in the form of an intervention to improve the child's speech and language. The RAPT was last standardised against the UK population in 1987/1988. As demographics and the education system have changed considerably since then, the Norms are widely considered to be out of date. This year we are to update the RAPT, introduce more modern images, and launch a digital version, and therefore we see this as an opportunity to re-standardise the test to ensure its Norms are the fairest reflection of the wider population. To re-standardise the test, we intend for several experienced SLTs, all very familiar with the RAPT, at a variety of locations around the UK to conduct the test with a range of children. We will assess this data and use it to produce new norms. We are therefore looking for a statistician to support the project, devising a sampling plan, and then help crunch the numbers once we have collected the data. We do not envisage this being a particularly complex or arduous requirement, but believe by employing a statistician it will help make the process more robust and ensure greater credibility. Whilst it is a couple of months until this standardisation process is due to commence, we are keen to start developing a sampling plan as soon as possible. Any experience of working in the Education sector would be a bonus. Suffice to say, full credentials welcome. Extra notes:

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #8731

2531 יום 10שעות 42דק



סוג העבודה:

עבודה חד פעמית

שעות עבודה:

00:00 - 08:00

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כבר יש לך את העלות המשוערת ואת הזמן כדי להשלים את העבודה אתה בשדות "זמן ביצוע" ו "תשלום המבוקש" או להשאיר אותם ריקים ניתן לשנות מאוחר יותר.

אם אתה יכול לבצע את העבודה, הגש ההצעה שלך בטופס מטה או אם יש לך שאלות נוספות, אתה יכול לכתוב אותם בשדה הערות שלך ולהשאיר את השדות "השכר הרצוי" ו"הושלם בתוך" ריקים. ניתן יהיה לקבוע אותם מאוחר יותר.