
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

HTML template development

General information for the website: Advanced web development needed for the International Journal of Microsimulation, plus article processing Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of every page/module: We are looking for the development of HTML templates for scientific articles published in the International Journal of Microsimulation (www.microsimulation.org/ijm), an online only open access scientific journal. The journal has currently two templates: 1) Journal issue, with links to the pdf versions of the published articles. 2) Published articles (PDFs). The journal website also includes other pages, which will remain the same: 1. Journal home page: http://www.microsimulation.org/ijm/  Will stay the same 2. Aims and Scope, Editorial Board, Submission policy, Notes for Authors, Notes for Reviewers, All Issues, Most viewed  All stay the same New templates are required for the following: Template 1 (Issue ): a template for each specific issue of the journal (e.g. http://www.microsimulation.org/ijm/issues/volume-101-spring-2017/). RMK: specific issues can be accessed either form the All Issues page, or via a quick link on the menu page. This will contain the following information: i. Title ii. Authors iii. Abstract iv. Full reference (Journal, issue, number, page numbers) v. A link to the Full Text page (Article) and to the PDF As an example, you could refer to the IZA Journal of Labor Policy (https://izajolp.springeropen.com/), note that the number of pages is missing). Template 2 (Article): a template for each article. As in this example from the IZA Journal of Labor Policy: https://izajolp.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40173-017-0082-4. Description of requirements/features: The right menu should include:  Download PDF: required  Export citation (.RIS, .ENW, .BIB, .TXT): desirable (please consider pricing it separately)  Table of contents: required  Metrics: number of views and number of downloads, desirable (please consider pricing it separately)  Share this article (major social media plus email): desirable (please consider pricing it separately) Processing of all issues/articles already published (around 100-120 articles) is required. All articles are available in PDF. Most articles are also available in MS Word or Latex. Processing of new articles (source files in PDF and MS Word or Latex) is also required. Similar urls: https://izajolp.springeropen.com/ Extra notes: A quote is required for: a) development of html templates b) processing of past articles (price per page) c) processing of new articles (price per page)

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #7015

2531 יום 10שעות 12דק



סוג העבודה:

עבודה חד פעמית

שעות עבודה:

00:00 - 08:00

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לחצו כאן כדי ללמוד כיצד תשתית STARTAJOB עובדת?

כתוב אז את "כתוב הערה או הודעה ללקוח"

כבר יש לך את העלות המשוערת ואת הזמן כדי להשלים את העבודה אתה בשדות "זמן ביצוע" ו "תשלום המבוקש" או להשאיר אותם ריקים ניתן לשנות מאוחר יותר.

אם אתה יכול לבצע את העבודה, הגש ההצעה שלך בטופס מטה או אם יש לך שאלות נוספות, אתה יכול לכתוב אותם בשדה הערות שלך ולהשאיר את השדות "השכר הרצוי" ו"הושלם בתוך" ריקים. ניתן יהיה לקבוע אותם מאוחר יותר.