
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

I need my corporate powerpoint presentation improving

Kind of design: Full presentation Number of slides needed: 15 Ideas for the visual style: Needs to be clean and crisp Preferred colors: I have corporate colours already included in presentation Extra notes: I have 15 slides of powerpoint I am currently using in sales presentations. They are example slides but good versions of the type of slides I use on a daily basis. I would like these 15 slides improving with elements such as (but not limited to) inserting corporate logos (which I have), adding animation, standardising, making more eye catching, adding phase in / phase outs. Essentially I am looking for a templates for some text heavy slides, some graphic heavy slides and some logo heavy slides which I can then tailor easily myself with bespoke content for the companies I am presenting to. Ideally I would want someone to take my slides, make suggested improvements and then send them back to me (can be in PDF format), I give feedback and then this feedback is incorporated. Looking to get this job done in the next 7 days

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #6256

2526 יום 20שעות 44דק



סוג העבודה:

עבודה חד פעמית

שעות עבודה:

00:00 - 08:00

יכולות נדרשות
פורסם על ידי


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אם אתה יכול לבצע את העבודה, הגש ההצעה שלך בטופס מטה או אם יש לך שאלות נוספות, אתה יכול לכתוב אותם בשדה הערות שלך ולהשאיר את השדות "השכר הרצוי" ו"הושלם בתוך" ריקים. ניתן יהיה לקבוע אותם מאוחר יותר.